In this series, you will explore the dynamics and realities of change and transition from both scriptural and spiritual foundations. You will learn methods and tools to successfully lead your parish through periods of transformation through to a thriving parish.

Through this series, you will explore ways to honor and leverage the rich gift of multicultural diversity in your parish. Drawing from scriptural foundations, you will discover approaches and practices for bringing your parishioners together to celebrate unity in your diversity.

Through this rich set of videos, you will discover biblical foundations and spiritual dimensions of addressing and supporting the mental health of your parishioners. The last few years have taken an especially hard toll on all aspects of our human existence.

Through this video series, you will discover strategies for your own ongoing formation and empowerment as a pastoral leader. Exploring different prototypes such as the Super Pastor and the Master Gardener, you will learn approaches and skills to address weaknesses, make better decisions and overcome obstacles in the integration of spiritual, intellectual, pastoral and human wellbeing.

In this video series, you will learn how to identify warning signs of stress and burnout in your parish staff. Through scriptural parables, learn practices and methods to help relieve stress among pastoral ministry teams. Learn ways to focus on activities such as practices of self-care, enhanced collaboration, and mutual encouragement to support each other during stressful times.