Catholic-Jewish Studies

The Catholic-Jewish Studies Program provides students with opportunities to experience the world of living Judaism outside of the classroom through the Shapiro Lecture series and the annual Rabbi Hayim Goren Perelmuter Conference and more.

Do Jews and Christians Love the Same Way? For centuries, Christian anti-Judaic prejudice insisted that...
What Bible, Whose Bible:  Studying the Scripture of Others “The” Bible does not exist. Different...
It’s complicated! Network analysis and Jewish-Christian relationships in the Babylonian Talmud. This talk will introduce...
Winter 2024 Shapiro Lecture with Dr. Joel Kaminsky Sibling Rivals: How the Idea of Chosenness...
  In this talk, Rosalie Levinson will explain how, despite their silence, being a child...
  From a copy of Elie Wiesel’s Night and a simple set of reading questions...